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Constantino Xavier is a nonresident fellow in the India Project, and is currently a fellow at the Centre for Social and Economic Progress. He researches on India’s foreign and security policies as a regional power, with a focus on institutions and decision-making processes, and also on relations with Europe.

He is currently writing a book on India’s crisis response and involvement in neighboring countries (Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar), and also examining the challenges of connectivity and security across the South Asian and Indian Ocean regions. Xavier’s research also focuses on how India’s democratic values and institutions influence its external engagements and its relations with other democratic powers.

Previously, he worked at the Brookings Institution, in Washington DC, as a media correspondent in South Asia, and as an adviser to the Embassy of Portugal in New Delhi during the presidency of the European Union. He held fellowships at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses and the Observer Research Foundation, in New Delhi, and received research awards from the United States Fulbright program and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Xavier holds a Ph.D. in South Asian studies from the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies.

Representative Publications

South Asia

  • 03/06/20: “Non-Traditional Security: Renewed Focus in the Post-COVID World,” Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.
  • 11/06/20: Blog Post, “Interpreting the India-Nepal border dispute,” Brookings India.
  • 12/06/20: Interview, Gaurav Sawant, “India-Nepal Border Tensions,” India Today
  • 27/06/20: Op-ed “भारत और नेपाल के बीच समस्या भले ही चीन ने  खड़ी की होलेकिन वह नेपाल को उकसा सकता है/ “Even if China has not created a problem between India and Nepal, it can provoke Nepal” Dainik Bhaskar.
  • "Countering China in Nepal and the Neighbourhood" India Today Magazine,  June 29, 2020. 
  • Constantino Xavier, ‘India's Reluctant but Democratic Approach to Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding’ in Anthea Mulakala (Ed.), Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Asia: Lessons in South-South Cooperation, Korea Development Institute and The Asia Foundation, December 2019. 


Migration and diaspora

Constantino Xavier is a nonresident fellow in the India Project, and is currently a fellow at the Centre for Social and Economic Progress. He researches on India’s foreign and security policies as a regional power, with a focus on institutions and decision-making processes, and also on relations with Europe.

He is currently writing a book on India’s crisis response and involvement in neighboring countries (Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar), and also examining the challenges of connectivity and security across the South Asian and Indian Ocean regions. Xavier’s research also focuses on how India’s democratic values and institutions influence its external engagements and its relations with other democratic powers.

Previously, he worked at the Brookings Institution, in Washington DC, as a media correspondent in South Asia, and as an adviser to the Embassy of Portugal in New Delhi during the presidency of the European Union. He held fellowships at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses and the Observer Research Foundation, in New Delhi, and received research awards from the United States Fulbright program and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Xavier holds a Ph.D. in South Asian studies from the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies.

Representative Publications

South Asia

  • 03/06/20: “Non-Traditional Security: Renewed Focus in the Post-COVID World,” Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.
  • 11/06/20: Blog Post, “Interpreting the India-Nepal border dispute,” Brookings India.
  • 12/06/20: Interview, Gaurav Sawant, “India-Nepal Border Tensions,” India Today
  • 27/06/20: Op-ed “भारत और नेपाल के बीच समस्या भले ही चीन ने  खड़ी की होलेकिन वह नेपाल को उकसा सकता है/ “Even if China has not created a problem between India and Nepal, it can provoke Nepal” Dainik Bhaskar.
  • Countering China in Nepal and the Neighbourhood” India Today Magazine,  June 29, 2020. 
  • Constantino Xavier, ‘India’s Reluctant but Democratic Approach to Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding’ in Anthea Mulakala (Ed.), Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Asia: Lessons in South-South Cooperation, Korea Development Institute and The Asia Foundation, December 2019. 


Migration and diaspora

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