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Past Event

Technology and the security of democratic societies

Past Event

Next generation technologies are increasingly available almost as quickly as they are developed. How can these advanced technologies be deployed responsibly by democratic states? How will rogue regimes and non-state actors look to exploit them and how can democratic governments cooperate in countering their malicious use? How can democratic societies navigate threats from authoritarian adversaries in the information domain and build resilience to cyber threats?

On September 12, the Brookings Global Forum on Democracy and Technology hosted a symposium to address these and other questions.

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Session 1: How to win an information competition

Understanding a changing landscape and what to do about it


Olga Belogolova

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Security Studies - Georgetown University

Policy Manager for Influence Operations - Meta


Paul Ash

Prime Minister’s Special Representative on Cyber and Digital, Christchurch Call and Cyber Coordinator - Government of New Zealand

Session 2: Advanced military technologies in the US-China competition

How advanced are they really, and how much do they really matter

Session 3: Democracy under threat

Digital authoritarianism and malicious actors

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