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How district leaders start and sustain community schools

Past Event

Across the country, superintendents are transforming into community school leaders. Responsible for overseeing the learning and development of our country’s children—including functions such as school nutrition, bussing, safety, finances, community engagement, and so much more—superintendents are recognizing that they need a different strategy to effectively meet the needs of the whole child. Only with a collective approach—one where nonprofit organizations, community members, families, government agencies, higher education institutions, afterschool programs, museums, faith-based groups, and others can rally around the school and its children—will they successfully create the conditions where children can learn and thrive. That approach? Community schools.

On November 14, the Center for Universal Education at Brookings and The School Superintendents Association (AASA) hosted a virtual event to launch the upcoming report, “Starting and sustaining community schools: 10 tips for district leaders,” which focuses on the role superintendents and district leaders can play in successfully implementing the community school strategy. Report author and director of the Education Policy and Leadership Program at American University, Reuben Jacobson, moderated a panel discussion of experts sharing their various perspectives on community schools and how the strategy can help superintendents transform education systems.

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Reuben Jacobson

Director, Education Policy and Leadership Program - American University

Co-editor - "Community Schools: People and Places Transforming Education and Communities"

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