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Visit our Transition 2021 page for Brookings scholars’ proposals for the new Congress and administration


About Policy 2020

Policy 2020 aims to empower voters with fact-based, data-driven, non-partisan information to better understand the policy matters discussed by candidates running for office in 2020. With resources available in English and Spanish, and in a variety of formats, Policy 2020 seeks to reach all Americans aspiring to be well informed on the issues shaping the 2020 election.

More From Brookings


What COVID-19 may—or may not—change about swing state politics

Alan Berube finds that there are differing economic contexts both across and within these swing states.


America’s electoral future: The coming generational transformation

In this year’s report, the authors simulate what would happen if cohorts of voters defined by their birth year, such as Millennials or Baby Boomers, held onto their political preferences as they aged.


A list of specific, actionable foreign policy ideas for the next president

The world is a vastly different place today than it was four years ago; so too are America’s relations with allies, adversaries, and institutions. Whoever wins next week’s presidential election will face an ongoing pandemic and the economic and social devastation it has brought, persistent conflicts in the Middle East, deeply strained relations with Europe, […]

Rachel Slattery